Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Week 01- Reflections

My first blog in my first online course; I am very excited. 

I always wanted to bring in a new flavor to my teaching and I feel as if I am entering a whole new world of knowledge, with an array of new possibilities to explore, to learn and to practice.

In my teaching so far, the closest I have been to using technology is the use of Faculty Moodle,  apart from using PowerPoint that is. In order to make my teaching interesting and to generate an enthusiasm in my students, I have tried different methods like incorporating literature, drama and songs to my lessons. But while creating this blog I realized that blogging can be another such way of making teaching ESL  interesting and relevant as well. As I teach in a university, my students are very young individuals, relying so much on this new era of technology. I feel that I can now enter their world as part of their 'techno-community', and it can only give wonderful results. 

I am looking forward to entering this new world of knowledge and sharing ideas with my class members!!!!!

"Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved"
        Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. Hi Umesha
    Wonderful to have you join the blogging world. You are off to a great start!

  2. Hi Robert

    Thanks. It's a nice experience and fun too.


  3. Dear Umesha
    I feel lucky to have one like you in our online class. From your first post on your blog it looks you are an experienced teacher and an enthusiast of integrating the new technology into your teaching. This is really great. I also feel the same.
    your reflections are really inspiring.

    Wishing you great times.

  4. Hi Abed,
    Thanks for the comment. Yes I am very eager to learn about new ways of integrating technology to my teaching, and experience wise I think you are far ahead of me. It's indeed wonderful to have discussions with people like you and I am looking forward to share our experience as teachers and learn new things from that as well.


  5. Hello Umesha,

    I totally agree with you concerning your feeling as if you are entering now another world of something unlearned, non-cognitive. However, I am convinced this feeling will minimise very soon once you get used to clicking the different buttons of your keyboard and navigating the different functions.

    I do not really know why, but in times when I have a problem starting something new and I have to learn something new, I remember what I thought about driving experience: it was something that I thought I would never learn how to drive. But with practice my skills to drive a car became more confident and now I think I am qualified to do so.
    The same theory I am now implementing into this course.
    So why do not you think about your last experience where you have succeeded a lot, use the same principles and steps, and then I am sure it wil be easier to adapt to them.

    Good luck,
