Monday, January 17, 2011

The 'delicious' week!!!!

I have seen how technology makes life easier but this week I felt it more than ever. As I said in my Nicenet post, I had a time ‘protecting’ my bookmarks.
I am somebody who has no luck with new technology and all electric items (yes, that includes computers as well) start giving some trouble when I am around. In fact, my life is full of technology related disasters.

For example, during my undergrad days, I took International Relations as my minor and there were about 200 students for that lecture. The lecture hall gets jam-packed and Umesha, with a lot of difficulty somehow manages to sit under a fan and … it stops working!

BA undergrad thesis, one day more for final submission, my computer refuses to ‘save’ !

MA thesis, a couple of weeks before final submission, Umesha sees a silvery smoke (like the silvery strands of thoughts in Harry Potter) coming out from her computer! (my fiancé comes to my place in the middle of the night with his computer!!!)

In all the universities I have worked, I have used more than two computers. This is my 4th month at my new work place, and I’m using the 3rd computer!!!

So as you can see, I am thrilled to have learnt about Delicious this week.

My bookmarks are finally safe!!!

This sounds more like an advertisement … I think!!!


  1. Dear Umesha,
    You seem to have faced many difficulties and problems in your life but i observe from the above lines that you never quit before getting to the destination. I appreciate you and your work!
    It is said that "Problems are your friends meet them and defeat them", and believe me if some one does so, he/she will never get exhausted and will eventually get what he/she desires for.
    This week was really delicious for all of us. Delicious is an easy step to save our favorite sites and not to waste time for surfing them.
    Take care,

  2. Dear Umesha,

    I have sort of a similar difficult time with my thesis too. My computer broke and it was hard to recover most of the information. I learned the hard way, now I have three flash drives with most of my files (at home, at work and in my bag).

    I agree with you and Naqib, Delicious has come to make our lives easier and save time.

