Saturday, March 5, 2011

A week of fever, final project and, carnival!!!

We are now in the 9th week of the course and I can’t believe that it went so fast. Looking back I can only be happy as I see a very different teacher in me now.

This week we learnt about learning styles and how technology can be used to facilitate different learning styles. Interestingly, the nature of technology is such it can be used to address several learning styles at once and as I feel, that is one of the best uses of technology in a classroom.

This week, we also got a wonderful opportunity to “meet” Max and Tom, Editors of the academic journal “English Teachers’ Forum”. We got to know a lot of information about publishing in FORUM as well as in other forums.

I was sick for a couple of days and then came the final project submission deadline and now I am writing a post for my blog after a nice and fun filled evening at a carnival. It was raining the whole afternoon, but me , my family, my husband and his mother, we all had a nice time. We ate a lot of food, drank coke in the freezing rain and then ate ice cream on the way and watched a musical show, in the middle of a ground and yes it was raining.

I feel wonderful ! (I touch wood and gold!!!)

However, I have to end the post in a sad note.

Next week is week 10. The last week


  1. Oh! The sad faces I added in the very last line don't appear!
    :( :( :(

  2. Hi Umesha,
    don't worry, now we got the sad faces lol.. hope you feel better now? you know, as short as this course looks, just ten weeks, but it's really hectic. Not because we've got lots to do but I guess it's because we're occupied by other stuff in our careers.. However, the truth should be said, I got to know and benefit a lot, things that I wouldn't be able to get in such a short time if was it only a self-paced work..
    Thanks also to Tom and Max who reminded us the FORUM.


  3. Dear Umesha

    I hope you get well soon. It has really been a journey to tech learning and teaching tools. I`m happy to be part of the multicultural teaching community and hope we keep in touch.
    This is a very small world. Probably, we can meet again online or who knows face to face. Keep it up!

  4. Oh, it is raining here as well in Vietnam :-)Get well soon Umesha!

  5. Hi Faisal, Ana and KhoiMai,

    Thanks. I feeling better now. I agree with Faisal totally. It has been pretty hectic and it feels as if we learnt a lot of things very quickly, if you know what I mean.

    And yes, I too enjoyed our multicultural class setting and we should keep in touch.

    After all, it's a small world!

